In this section, you will learn about the additional services provided by RostestEurope certification centre. Our specialists are certified to work in several fields. One of the benefits of the company is that we provide comprehensive services for businesses of any kind of activity and ownership. In addition to certificates and declarations, you can order other documents that are required when your business is regulated by regulatory authorities in Latvia, the Customs Union and other countries. Legislation in importing states may seem complicated only at first glance. Our specialists will help you register your permits in a fast and efficient manner.

In RostestEurope certification centre, you can obtain expert opinions from Rospotrebnadzor, state registration certificates and properly executed technical documentation of varying complexity (technical specifications, product Technical Data Sheets, technological instructions etc.). We develop barcodes, make out exemption letters, FSB notifications and other documents.

Legislation in the field of domestic and foreign trade is constantly changing. Almost every day new forms of documents appear that are required to affirm one’s competitive strength: permits, authorisations, expert opinions etc. RostestEurope is always aware of the latest changes in the regulatory framework. Therefore, if you find that you need to not only order a certificate or sign a declaration, but also to submit “some other document” to the regulatory authorities, contact us and we will provide you with all the information on that document and help you get it in the right time.

To find the required document, refer to the specially designed menu of this section or contact us at the phone numbers on the website.


The Significance of the CE Mark 

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